сряда, 13 юни 2012 г.

Olympic air - not so Olympic

Olympic Air promote proudly themselves as the official carrier of the Greek olympic team...

37 C. 4 pm. Athens airport. Here since 12h. Waiting in the plane - one straight hour.

... I think the Greeks will never make it to the Olympics with Olympic Air.

... We are changing planes...

Hope I will make it to Sofia. ... But if you are reading this then I have.

понеделник, 11 юни 2012 г.

Angry Greeks

My first visit to Athens.

My second to Greece after beings in Alexandropolis last year. One can wonder why but I never had the impulse  to travel here.

Middle packed jet, half Bulgarians, half Greeks (I count the three loud Hell's Angels Greece representatives as 5 1/2). Two (2) beautiful but too (2) serious flight attendants. A rough landing just as the dry surroundings of the airpost.

Info desk - am I kidding them I ask for the direction of the metro? "Well, go out, take the stairs and there it is... OMG, are you torturing me, yes, there is only one line here"... Tourists.

And there it is - the story begins ... Angry Greeks... Just like the Angry Birds, but experienced live. Although I never played it, I am sure Greeks are playing it pretty well. The lady at the tickets counter shoots me with a thrilling look and a price of 8 euro a 15-stop trip. I fall a victim on the platform for 30-minute waiting. Thanks god there is/was some shade. 35C it is expected today (just saw 39C tomorrow and melt down from the sheer idea of it).

Heading for Syntagma station. Thank you, Christina Dimitrova, for giving me a map for the hotel from there. Greek organisation agency never did.

Still waiting for the train to go.

2 stops from the airport - Roma beggars in the train. A woman and a girl, a very beautiful girl who melts passangers' hearts by the sound of coins dropping in her plastic cup.